Health Minister Maksym Stepanov stated this at a briefing.
"Today, the Ministry of Health All-Ukrainian Contact Center for Counteracting Coronavirus Disease has opened. From now on, every Ukrainian citizen who has questions about coronavirus can call, regardless of where the citizen lives in our country. There he can get relevant information," Stepanov said.
He noted that the number is free–0 800 60 20 19.
According to the Minister, the contact center will use 150 operators and will run around the clock.
"We see the hotlines in the regions work disruptively. It applies to almost all regions without exception. That is why we created a large, unified contact center in Ukraine," Stepanov added.
According to the minister, you can call the contact center if you cannot call your family doctor, get a referral for tests or computer tomography, or you have a question about PCR testing.
In addition, the Minister clarified what the after-the-call response protocol would be.
"It goes without saying that to find out the information and give you a comprehensive answer, the operator will need to contact the relevant city and family doctor.
Everything will be recorded and registered in the CRM-system, which will automatically send the request to the regions. After receiving the answer, the operator is required to call you," Stepanov explains.
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