Deputy Minister of Health, Chief State Sanitary Doctor, Viktor Liashko, stated this in an interview with Segodnya.
"We already have preliminary estimates being finalized. We have collected the needs for equipment, given the task to the State Enterprise Agency on Medical Procurement to analyze prices. We're launching a resolution to allocate funds, and stationing a hospital in the Palace of Sports," said Liashko.
He also spoke about the requirements for such hospitals.
"These hospitals need to be stationed in accommodated rooms with heating, ventilation, sanitation. Those are extensive areas where additional beds are placed so that there's a large block system where we can supply oxygen to the bed, provide resuscitation departments, and rooms for medical staff," the official said.
According to him, they have already determined how much equipment they need for a mobile hospital. Meanwhile, Liashko stressed that the problem is not so much in providing equipment as in providing medical staff.
"With increasing the number of medical beds, the problem of increasing the number of medical staff won't solve itself, because a doctor is a profession that people acquire for years," he said.
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