
Constitutional Court considers language law tomorrow: ombudsperson for language protection called on the court to show a state position

On November 3, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine plans to continue internally considering the constitutionality of the Law "On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language."

The CCU agenda states this as posted on the court's website.

"Continuing consideration of the case on compliance of the Law of Ukraine" On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language" with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) according to the constitutional petition of 51 People's Deputies of Ukraine (closed part of the plenary session)," the Constitutional Court's agenda reads.

They scheduled the beginning of the closed part of the plenary session of the Grand Chamber of the Constitutional Court for 10:00.

The Verkhovna Rada passed this law on April 25, 2019, and it came into force on July 16.

In turn, the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language, Taras Kremin, called on the Constitutional Court to show a state stance during the consideration of the constitutionality of the Law "On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language." He wrote about this on Facebook.

"I appeal to the judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to show a state stance and decide in favor of Ukraine's national interests. The issue of language is fundamental for our state to strengthen Ukraine's independence, identity, unity, and victory," Kremin said.

He noted that the law on the state language is fully in line with the Constitution. In particular, the document exclusively regulates the use of the state language in public spheres, clearly defined in law, and is aimed primarily at protecting the right of citizens to use, receive services, interact with the state/local governments in the state language.

Kremin added that a significant part of the law actually duplicates or clarifies the legal norms that have been in force and applied in Ukraine for a long time. In particular, it applies to citizens' appeals, consumer protection, film screenings, requirements for proficiency in the state language for civil service positions, office work, document management, government websites, etc.

"So, to a large extent, the law doesn't introduce new requirements and procedures, but only fixes the status quo," the language ombudsman said.

Kremin also reminded that some of these norms, which duplicate the norms of other laws, have already been actually assessed by the CCU.

"First, it concerned the "educational" article, which the submission authors put special emphasis on. This article of the Law of Ukraine "On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language" actually duplicates the norms of the Law "On Education" which the CCU recognized as constitutional.

According to the language ombudsman, today over 95% of Ukrainians recognize the leading place of the Ukrainian language as the state language.

"It confirms that the issue of a single state language unites Ukrainians, not divides them, as they are trying to impose on us from the outside. However, in a hybrid war, including on the information and language fronts, we still see initiatives of individual politicians who care about their own ratings, not the country," he said.

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