How Ukrainians answered 5 Zelenskyi’s questions

Mainly the Servant of the People party supporters and people living in villages took part in the National Poll, initiated by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

The director of the "Rating" social group Oleksii Antypovych announced it, presenting the exit poll results at a press conference, Ukrinform reports.

"Ukraine's right to use the security guarantees set out in the Budapest Memorandum is supported by 78% of those who participated in the elections and the poll, 10% doesn't support it, 12% could not answer. Meanwhile, among those who participated in the elections, but did not take part in the President's poll, 56% support it, 13% do not support it, 31% could not answer," the study said.

According to exit polls, the legalization of cannabis for medical purposes to relieve the pain of the seriously ill is supported by 70% of those who participated in the election, and the poll, 24% do not support it. Among those who participated in the election but did not take part in the President's poll, 52% support it, 28% do not support it, 20% could not answer.

According to the "Rating" data, life imprisonment for large-scale corruption is supported by 81% of those who participated in the elections and the poll, 16% do not support it. Among those who participated only in the election, 63% support it, 21% do not support it, 16% are undecided.

Meanwhile, creating a free economic zone in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions is supported by 45% of those who participated in the elections and the poll, 43% do not support it, 12% are undecided. Among those who took part only in the election, 33% support it, 39% do not support it, 28% are undecided, sociologists report.

In the meantime, reducing the number of people's deputies to 300 is supported by 95% of those who took part in the elections and the poll, 4% do not support it. Among those who took part only in the election, 81% support it, 7% do not support, 13% are undecided, the researchers said.

Among the polling stations covered by the "Rating" group study, 69% of polling stations conducted a survey initiated by the President. In those polling stations where the poll was not conducted, the majority (67%) answered that they would take part in it if it was conducted there.

On average, about half of the voters able to take part in the poll ignored it. Residents of the southern regions took part the most (49%), western and eastern Ukraine participated in the poll the least (44%). In Kyiv, 81% ignored the poll.

It is interesting to note that the distribution of those who took and did not take part in the poll is approximately equal in all age groups. There are no differences by gender.

According to the "Rating", the most active group taking part in the "5 questions from the President" poll are the voters of the "Servant of the People"  party (63% took part, 37% did not). The least active were the voters of the "European Solidarity" party (27% participated, 73% didn't). 

The poll involved 9,947 people over the age of 18 in all regions, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas. The poll was conducted by telephone interview based on a random sample of numbers (those who did not vote in the election) and interviews at the exit of the polling stations.

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