Stepanov named four scenarios for the spread of COVID-19 and what actions the Ministry of Health will take at each stage

The Ministry of Health has determined four levels of action plan depending on the rate of coronavirus spread in Ukraine.
Health Minister Maksym Stepanov announced it at a briefing.
"We have developed different scenarios. Including the increase in the number of patients and the response of the health care system… There are four levels estimated.
The first level is where we are now, up to 8,000 patients a day. At this level, we continue to increase the number of beds and prepare for an increase in the number of patients. We are increasing the number of tests, providing a more effective treatment process," Stepanov said.
He noted that the next level will be when the number of patients in Ukraine increases to 10,000 per day. At this level, you need to put into action almost all 52 thousand beds. In some regions, they will set up mobile and field hospitals.
"The situation is telling us we can move on to acting. Now we are calculating and figuring out so the system is ready for such a challenge," Stepanov said.
According to him, the next level is up to 15 thousand patients per day. He noted that in this case, they'll introduce a complete list of restrictions that provide for a red level of epidemic danger.
Stepanov added that the fourth level is up to 20 thousand patients per day. In this scenario, the occupancy of the beds can be up to 100%.
"In that case, we will have to introduce so-called selection protocols. When doctors have to choose who to provide medical care in inpatient settings. I don't want to scare anyone, but the Ministry of Health pursues the most open policy. And I'm sure you need to know the entire spectrum of actions we are doing now and will continue to do. I believe that we should not get to the fourth level," Stepanov said.
Maksym Stepanov recently stated that in the coming weeks, the number of coronavirus infections in Ukraine may increase to 8-10 thousand cases per day, then the state will increase the number of beds for such patients and begin work on stationing additional hospitals.