Ukrposhta will receive 63 million euros from EBRD for developing logistics network and rural branches

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved an order to allocate 33 million euros from the EBRD for implementing the Ukrposhta Logistics Network and Rural Branch projects.

The related decision was reached at a meeting on October 21, the press service of the Ministry of Infrastructure reports.

"Ukrposhta continues to implement this year's large-scale investment program to modernize the existing logistics network and improve the work of the post office service. Today, the government supported using the EBRD loan of 63 million euros for key projects to modernize the logistics network and rural offices.

Despite the crisis and quarantine, Ukrposhta continues to develop steadily, recruit new staff, pay record dividends to the state, actively use its non-core assets, directing them to modernization. And we will continue to use every opportunity to improve the company's work," Minister Vladislav Kryklii said.

In particular, implementing the "Logistics Network" project involves creating new Ukrposhta logistics centers and installing modern sorting equipment in logistics hubs and depots.

"Implementing the "Rural Branch" project will update the model of post offices in villages with a population of fewer than 1 thousand people. Instead of rural stationary post offices, we plan to continue introducing up to 1,900 mobile offices with full functionality, which will cover 100% of Ukraine," the message says.

The Cabinet of Ministers also approved a draft presidential order on the Ukrainian delegation to take part in negotiations with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) about concluding the Guarantee Agreement "Ukrposhta Logistics Network Development Project (Ukrposhta Modernization and Digitization and Rural Branch)" between Ukraine and the EBRD.

This document authorized the Minister of Infrastructure Vladyslav Kryklii to sign the agreement for the Ukrainian party.

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