The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated it in the comment in connection with the US Secretary of State's statement on the accusation of the Russian GRU officials in cyber-crime.
"Ukraine fully trusts the results of the investigation published by the US Department of Justice and the accusations of six employees of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in several cyberattacks around the world, including Ukraine, the United States, France, Georgia, and South Korea," the Foreign Ministry said.
Ukraine also supports the statement of US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, on the necessity to condemn the ongoing subversive, destructive, and destabilizing activities of Russia in cyberspace.
The Foreign Ministry emphasizes that such activities show complete disrespect for public security and international stability. The Foreign Ministry assured that Ukraine reaffirms its solid position that the norms and principles of international law are to be fully applied to the behavior of states in cyberspace, and those responsible for cyberattacks should be brought to justice.
"We call on the international community to continue coordinated pressure on Russia to end its systematic violation of international law and principles, in particular the use of cyber tools for malicious purposes that threaten the security of global cyberspace," the ministry said.
Earlier, the US formally charged six GRU officers for involvement in international hacking attacks, including against Ukraine, and the spread of dangerous virus programs that caused billions in damage.
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