Zelenskyi stated it at a meeting with representatives of the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (UCCRO).
According to the President, today, the occupancy of beds in hospitals is 70% in several regions of the country, and 100% – in some settlements. He noted that the state cannot increase the number of beds every week and transfer medical facilities only to treat patients with COVID-19.
"The situation will be critical for the Ukrainian medical system when there will be 9.5 thousand daily infections with coronavirus. If we have over 9.5 thousand infected daily, we will be forced to impose strict quarantine. But then our country's economy will stop and it will be very difficult for everyone," Zelenskyi stressed.
Because of the deteriorating situation with the epidemic, the president asked for help from religious leaders.
"We can reduce the number of infected and dead people if we reduce the number of people, especially the elderly, in crowded places. It concerns not just the church, but also any premises and events," he said.
Therefore, Zelenskyi called on religious leaders to organize their events in such a way as to minimize crowds and increase social distance.
Earlier the parliament website announced that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi will address the people's deputies on October 20 with a request about the internal and external situation of Ukraine.
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