Zero Waste Europe announced the launch of a new project in Ukraine and 10 other European countries aimed at implementing the Zero Waste (ZW) concept at the community level. Lviv and Liubotyn may become the first Ukrainian cities to implement the European practice of recycling solid materials and composting organic waste and execute a program to prevent new waste from emerging. Including through reusing and repairing.
The choice of Lviv and Liubotyn is not accidental. These are two cities where the co-founding organizations of the Ukrainian Alliance Zero Waste Union, representing Ukraine in the Zero Waste Europe network, are running. In particular, Lviv recently signed an agreement to join the network of Zero Waste Europe municipalities. Through participation in the project, both cities will receive expert support and knowledge to develop a strategy, action plan, and best practices for waste management.
Participation in the project will enable Ukrainian cities along with 18 European cities to adopt the best practices of ZW leaders and implement Zero Waste Cities certification.
Together with 11 European countries, we have taken fresh changes in the European Union legislation on waste, plastics, and their impact on the climate as a basis. These changes are aimed at increasing the quality and quantity of ZW models and focused on broad citizen participation and successful implementation at the municipal level. Over the next 2 years, we will work with activists in Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovenia, Ukraine, and Cyprus to achieve significant results and involve at least 20 municipalities in our initiative.
In parallel with this direction, we will promote and develop both the new Zero Waste Cities certification and the European Zero Waste Academy. Since the academy is the leading center of knowledge and resources for our joint activities.
Today, Europe is in a critical situation that requires an immediate solution to waste recycling and growing carbon footprint. The primary task is to involve local communities into the Zero Waste initiative, to scale our positive experience and bring the time when a waste-free living will become a reality. Zero Waste is an environmentally friendly direction involving conscious consumption and minimization and/or no waste during life.
Our experience shows that on the way to zero waste, it's critical to develop effective practical solutions available for further implementation at the local level. On the example of one or two towns successfully implementing the ZW concept in each country, we will increase the impact of this project on growing key indicators of the closed-loop economy and zero waste indicators.
The successful implementation of the ZW concept within the project will contribute to transforming waste and resource management at the global level. Key stakeholders, from politicians to the media, will see that zero waste and a closed-loop economy are not just an ambitious vision, but a series of measures that will bring tangible benefits to society.
Besides the tools and knowledge needed to carry out a zero-waste strategy, communities will have access to a European network that connects towns going along the ZW path.
ZWE's network of municipalities now includes urban and rural communities, a source of unique experience, and an important tool for supporting new participants in the initiative.
Our project will help to develop recommendations for further effective implementation of the strategy to achieve zero waste and make the experience relevant to other European cities and towns.
We stress that working with local communities is relevant for us in all countries. Yet, the project is an important phase of our Zero Waste Cities program for these 11 countries taking part. By providing direct support and funding to expand and improve fieldwork, and turning Zero Waste Europe Academy into a thriving intellectual hub for zero waste development, we expect the next few years to be a turning point in achieving our goals.
We will show other European municipalities that implementing the ZW concept not only benefits our planet and ourselves but also show it's a natural and most effective way to conserve the planet's resources.
Let's be in touch
For two years and beyond, we will share our stories and contribute to this project with our participants.
We will capture the successful experience, challenges, and actual process of implementing the Zero Waste concept at the local level. We will create ready-made cases and share them at Zero Waste Europe Academy to help and inspire others on their way to zero waste.
The "zero waste" movement was born in Lviv after the trash crisis of 2016. Together with the municipality, it developed new waste management practices based on the practice of waste prevention. The movement quickly spread in Ukraine. The OZERO non-governmental organization in Kyiv and Kharkiv Zero Waste in Kharkiv emerged. In early 2019, to strengthen the zero waste movement in Ukraine, NGO "Zero Waste Lviv", NGO "OZERO" and Kharkiv Zero Waste created Zero Waste Alliance Ukraine, a public association representing Ukraine in the Zero Waste Europe network and administering and promoting the "Transitioning to a zero-waste Europe, one community at a time project."
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