
Belarus states that Lukashenko was “offended” by Zelenskyi

A member of the Coordination Council of the Belarusian Opposition, Andrei Kureichik, explained why Belarus handed over a note to the Ukrainian ambassador associated with President Volodymyr Zelenskyi's decree on attracting Belarusian IT specialists to Ukraine.

"Ukraine 24" reports. 

"The thing is that the IT sector is the largest donor to the Belarusian economy. It brings more net profit than agriculture and any other industrial sector. Its loss will mean the end of the Belarusian economic miracle. Thus, Lukashenko reacted achingly to the Ukrainian initiative, although he launched a brutal crackdown on IT companies, as they all sided with the opposition and marched actively, funded the leaders of the protest movement," the Coordination Council spokesperson said.

He stressed that it is impossible to ban IT specialists from leaving; they are highly paid people who can buy a ticket to any European country.

"A huge number of freelancers went to Ukraine, where you can enter quickly and easily. Now there's a problem with visas because Lukashenko ousted all EU ambassadors. Belarus has virtually stopped issuing Schengen visas and other visas to Europe, so Ukraine remained the most promising destination," Kureichik said.

Ihor Kyzym, an Ambassador of Ukraine in Belarus, was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Minsk on October 14 due to a decree of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi on involving Belarusian IT specialists to Ukraine.

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