Zelenskyi’s poll: all 5 questions appeared online

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi started an all-Ukrainian poll on the day of the local elections on October 25. It will ask Ukrainians five socially important questions. Every day the Head of State names one question.

Social media users distribute a leaflet with all 5 questions:

The list has 5 questions:

  • Do you support life imprisonment for corruption on a large scale?
  • Do you support creating a free economic zone in Donetsk and Luhansk regions?
  • Do you support reducing the number of people's deputies to 300?
  • Do you support legalizing cannabis for medical purposes, to reduce pain in critically ill patients?
  • Do you support Ukraine's right to use the security guarantees set out in the Budapest Memorandum to restore its state sovereignty and territorial integrity?

The information appeared in the chat of a volunteer and activist, the veteran of anti-terrorist operation Marusia Zvirobii. As we can see from the list, the first ones are the questions already announced by the head of state, whether citizens support life imprisonment for corruption on a large scale and the creation of a free economic zone in Donbas.

We'd like to note that there is no official confirmation of this information. It will be possible to check the list's trustworthiness during Zelenskyi's third question announcement.

To recap, Razumkov explained that nobody allocated a budget for the poll on election day and the Central Election Commission of Ukraine (CEC) can't carry out it.

The People's Servant party explained that not the CEC, but the poll would involve volunteers on October 25.

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