
Government published a list of new quarantine restrictions and recommendations: cafes, schools, universities, and sports

The Cabinet of Ministers has issued a decree amending the criteria for adaptive quarantine and extending it until the end of 2020.

The text of Decree №956 of October 13 is available on the government's website.

The Decree:

  • limits the opening hours of restaurants and other catering establishments from 22:00 to 7:00,
  • toughens restrictions on mass events (only 50 people in the "green" areas, up to 30 in the "yellow", up to 20 in the "orange"),
  • prohibits fans from attending sports events, except international ones. The Ministry of Health will make separate decisions on them.

In addition, they recommend all businesses organizing shift work of employees, if technically possible to work in real-time via the Internet with payroll.

They recommend that general secondary education institutions establish:

  • a holiday break from 15 to 30 October 2020 

Institutions of professional and higher education: 

  • from October 15 to November 15, 2020, to move to a remote studying with the recommended withdrawal of students from dormitories, except for those who can not do so.

According to the decree, the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection should strengthen state control over compliance with sanitary legislation and anti-epidemic measures in preschool education institutions, catering, sports, and trade establishments.

Local councils are recommended to use additional public transport units to avoid crowding.

The decree also increases the criteria for testing coverage for COVID-19 from 24 to 48 per 100 thousand population.

Currently, the average weekly rate in Ukraine is 29.7 thousand tests per day.

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