The diplomat stated this during an online briefing on Tuesday, October 13.
"If the issue arises on the agenda, I will oppose introducing a ban on entry for foreigners and oppose urging Ukrainians to return home en masse," Kuleba said.
He noted that at the start point of the pandemic, the Foreign Ministry, together with other authorities, had already assisted Ukrainians in returning home, and it was an "unprecedented large-scale operation."
"But a new reality has already come. All those who wanted to have returned. Anyone who decided to stay where they are has stayed. So now it's essential not to generate new migration flows because every movement is dangerous," the diplomat stressed.
The Foreign Minister also noted that the COVID-19 topic is raised in all international negotiations. The participants' opinion is completely unanimous. Although COVID-19 remained the same, to act as governments acted at the beginning of the pandemic is now impossible.
"Then we faced the unknown, had many questions. The society was ready for severe restrictions. Now we don't see willingness. Now we need to think about the consequences of the complete country lockdown for the economy," the diplomat explained.
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