
Zelenskyi and Duda signed a joint statement on the cooperation development between the states

Today, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Polish President Andrzej Duda signed a joint statement on cooperation between Ukraine and Poland in Kyiv.

After the meeting, the President's Office published a joint statement by Andrzej Duda and Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

"We, the Presidents of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland, emphasize the importance of Ukrainian-Polish bilateral relations, which have the character of a strategic partnership. We express our will for their comprehensive development for the benefit of our societies and economies. We agree that the coronavirus pandemic has significantly affected the global and regional order. We emphasize the need to strengthen international cooperation to overcome new challenges and threats.

We emphasize the respect of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland for international law and the basic principles of international relations while calling for an end to the illegal occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the ongoing aggression in Donbas. The Republic of Poland expresses interest in cooperating with Ukraine within the frame of the international platform for the de-occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Ukraine and the Republic of Poland emphasize the right of citizens of all countries to determine their future as a result of democratic elections.

The Republic of Poland confirms its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

We condemn crimes against humanity, in particular those committed based on hatred, and we believe that they cannot be justified. We recognize the importance of honoring the memory of innocent victims of the conflicts and political repressions of the 20th century. We emphasize the need to make sure that these victims can be found and exhumed in Ukraine and Poland to pay tribute to their memory and to their still-living relatives and descendants in a spirit of respect for historical truth.

The Presidents of Ukraine and Poland condemn acts of abuse of Ukrainian cultural monuments and sites of commemoration in Poland and Polish cultural monuments and sites of commemoration in Ukraine and call on the relevant authorities to take proper care of them.

We reaffirm the importance of protecting the rights of national minorities in Ukraine and the Republic of Poland, in particular in education, under international commitments and bilateral agreements. The principles of Polish minority schools' operating in Ukraine and Ukrainian minority schools operating in Poland will be regulated by an agreement between our governments separately.

We reaffirm the readiness of both states to cooperate to further deepen Ukraine's relations with the European Union on the principles of association and deep economic integration. We positively assess the results of the 22nd EU-Ukraine Summit, which took place on October 6 this year.

Ukraine expresses its gratitude to the Republic of Poland for its practical support of Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations, especially in reforming the national security and defense sector under NATO standards. Both parties emphasize the importance of granting Ukraine the status of a partner with expanded capabilities by the North Atlantic Alliance.

The Ukrainian side confirms the stability of the state's course towards implementing a set of ambitious reforms, strengthening the rule of law, and overcoming corruption. The Polish party reaffirms its readiness to give further support for systemic transformation in Ukraine.

We confirm the need for further development of the possibility and potential of the Grand Hetman Kostiantyn Ostrogski Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade.

We emphasize the importance of mutually beneficial economic cooperation to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the Ukrainian and Polish markets in a deep functioning and comprehensive free trade area between the European Union and Ukraine. We see the need to reinforce the work of the Ukrainian-Polish Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation immediately. The interest of the two countries is to increase the volume of mutual investments in Ukraine and Poland, why it is important to create favorable conditions for doing business.

We emphasize the need for further cooperation in the energy sector to strengthen energy security in the region and in Europe as a whole. We see the importance of increasing the reliability and diversification of energy supply and ensuring the transparency of the energy sector.

We emphasize the need for cooperation to strengthen the role of our region as an important transport and transit, infrastructure, and innovation and investment center for the European continent.

The Republic of Poland supports the deepening of Ukraine's cooperation with the Three Seas initiative.

We declare the need to continue the work of the Advisory Committee of the Presidents of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. The next full meeting will take place in Warsaw.

We recognize that humanitarian and cultural cooperation remains an important part of the bilateral agenda and will be aimed at promoting people-to-people contacts, developing new initiatives and implementing joint projects in the fields of education, science, health, sports, youth exchanges, and tourism," the President's Office writes.

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