photo: The Office of the President
The Office of the President reports.
Zelenskyi called on the British financial community to use new opportunities for investment in Ukraine, in particular in the development of capital markets, privatization of state facilities, construction of financial infrastructure.
"We are introducing new financial instruments. We are voting on laws that will introduce new financial policies and attract investment," he said.
During the meeting, they discussed the prospects of attracting British investors to the Kyiv City project.
"We would like to build Kyiv City, a living financial center, a financial heart, and an area where you want to work and live. The experience, expertise, and assistance of the London City as the world's leading financial center would be extremely helpful for us," the Ukrainian President stressed.
Zelenskyi also got acquainted with the history of the London Stock Exchange. The President made an entry in the Book of Honorary Guests.
The President invited the Lord Mayor of the London City and a delegation of British businessmen, bankers, lawyers, representatives of innovative companies, and the London Stock Exchange to visit Kyiv.
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