Photo Reuters
The diplomat stated this in an interview with the BBC.
He noted that some countries that express concern about the possible rapprochement of Ukraine with China, themselves trade with this state quite easily.
In this context, Kuleba remarked that the US and Chinese economies are "so deeply connected that there is nowhere else to go," and the EU is trading and developing relations with China.
"Everything always turns upside down, and they start "But how are we, sandwiched between two giants, what are we going to do?" Let's change all these perceptions. This is the art of diplomacy, to be friends with everyone, to avoid traps, to earn money, to defend one's country. And if someone thinks the solution is no relations with China, so as not to disagree with the United States, then it's a completely primitive view, which I absolutely do not share," the minister said.
He noted that falling into financial dependence on Chinese money is another trap that we should also avoid.
"We will develop relations with China, but we clearly understand where and how deep we can go in these relations, in terms of our national interests," the diplomat said.
He also stated that China became a Ukraine's number-one trading partner with no effort by the Ukrainian state.
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