President Volodymyr Zelenskyi stated this during a speech at the presentation of new digital services "Diia Summit".
"The year 2021 will be the beginning of the country's entry into the "paperless" regime, i.e. no more papers. It applies to all state bodies and, most importantly, no state institution will be able to demand from Ukrainians any certificates, extracts, or other endless papers needed to get certain state services," the president said.
He also stressed that over the past year, Ukraine has become the fourth country in Europe to have digital driver's licenses and the first country in the world to have a digital passport that you can travel or open a bank account online with.
"It's only a tenth of our comprehensive plans and just the beginning on the road to a digital state, where 100% of services will be online, and bureaucracy and corruption will become an atypical phenomenon," the president said.
Zelenskyi is convinced that "digital Ukraine" is not only convenient but also a powerful economic development, because, according to him, the share of the digital economy in the world is growing quick.
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