
Zelenskyi wants to reopen a dialogue with China: “Ukraine has substantial potential for cooperation”

Ukraine is interested in further coordination with China in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, including the vaccine provision.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi stated this in an interview with the Xinhua News Agency.

The President stressed that Ukraine and China cooperated effectively in the fight against COVID-19, and thanked for the humanitarian assistance provided to resist the coronavirus, for help in medical cargo air transportation, and the return of Ukrainians home.

"Thousands of test systems, masks, goggles, gloves, and other personal protective equipment were sent to Ukrainian hospitals at the beginning of the pandemic in Ukraine in the spring. It saved many Ukrainians,"  the President said.

Zelensky also seeks to give new momentum to Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation and invited the President of the People's Republic of China to Ukraine.

"It is time to give fresh impetus to our dialogue. I think we need to reopen a full-fledged political dialogue between our states for this. We need to restore the dynamics of bilateral contacts at the level of ministries and departments, heads of governments, parliaments, and leaders. We welcome Chinese President Xi Jinping in Ukraine. It would be a great honor for me to visit charming China," the President said.

Zelenskyi stressed that China has always been and remains among the priorities of Ukrainian foreign policy.

Thus, according to him, Ukraine and China should work together to develop "a new strategy, a new vision, new growth points."

Zelenskyi is convinced that the next session of the Intergovernmental Commission on Cooperation will promote the implementation and assured that both sides are actively working on its coordination.

"Among the priority areas of practical cooperation are the credit and investment, agroindustrial, machine-building, and transport fields. Ukraine has significant scientific and educational potential, and rich culture. It gives great opportunity to grow the volumes of commercial cooperation and activate bilateral humanitarian contact and exchange," the president noted.

He added that it is important not only to increase trade but also to diversify goods, increase high-tech products and products with high processing, high added value.

"Ukraine has enormous potential for cooperation with China in various fields, comparable, or even greater than in many other Eastern European countries. We are interested in the successful fulfillment of the potential," the Ukrainian leader spoke.

Zelenskyi reminded that Ukraine was one of the first countries to support the initiative of Chinese President Xi Jinping "One Belt, One Road" and stressed that our country has a unique geographical location, and the economic potential to take part in the project effectively.

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