
WHO predicts up to 9,000 new COVID-19 cases in Ukraine daily

The head of the World Health Organization's office in Ukraine, Jarno Habicht, stated that 7-9,000 new coronavirus patients will be diagnosed in the country every day by the end of the year.

He spoke about it in an interview with Suspilne

"In the coming months, we expect the number of cases to exceed 5,000, and go up to 7,000 to 9,000 a day. In the same context, we are also seeing more and more cases in Europe," Habicht said.

According to him, it's happening in all countries, because we have not yet abolished the disease.

"In Ukraine, we still observe the virus transmission in communities. We haven't narrowed the transmission to cluster transmission (through social ties: family, class at school, employees of one department – ed.), as with many European countries. We know from our research that only one in four people wash their hands regularly. We also see that one in three people do not keep their physical distance when attending various events," the head of the WHO office in Ukraine stressed.

When asked how he predicts the number of cases would increase by the end of the year, Habicht said:

"It's difficult to make a conclusion. But if we record over 9,000 cases a day in December, I'll be a little more worried," he said.

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