Mikheil Saakashvili, the head of the executive committee of the National Reform Council, expressed the opinion on the air of Ukraine 24 TV channel.
"I listened to Zelenskyi's speech carefully. It was truly dignified and almost flawless. Not only did he mention all the pain points, but I didn't notice any compromise regarding the aggressor country," Saakashvili told TALK SHOW №1.
The head of the executive committee of the National Reform Council also reminded that Zelenskyi "had a specific proposal to create a Center against Disinformation in Ukraine."
"Ukraine has an amazing potential to do it if done right. The tentacles of propaganda have penetrated deep into the Ukrainian information space. Ukraine is not just protecting the world. Ukraine is defending itself. The poisoning of public opinion is happening by blatant propaganda surrounding us. The president is reacting. That's great. I think we needed to react much earlier," Saakashvili said.
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