Second time in Ukrainian history: a migrant from Luhansk receives a prestigious European award

Tetiana Barantsova, a social activist from Luhansk, IDP and person with disabilities, who helps children and young people with disabilities, became the regional winner of the annual Fridtjof Nansen Prize in the European region.

Before Barantsova, the Nansen Prize was awarded only once to a laureate from Ukraine. It was Mustafa Dzhemilev in 1998, Eastern variant reports.

Barantsova is a co-founder of the Ukrainian public organization of the Luhansk region "AMI-East" (Youth public organization "Association of young disabled people of Eastern Donbas", from 2020 changed to Luhansk regional organization "Association of women, youth, families with disabilities) in Luhansk in 2002. The organization advocated for change and protection of the rights of people with disabilities.

When the war at Donbas started, Barantsova's organization adapted to a new reality and focused on promoting the rights of IDPs and displaced children and youth with disabilities. The organization also deals with innovative ways against bullying in schools and of supporting through online learning for children, job search assistance, legal support, etc. for young adults with disabilities and families with a child with disabilities.

AMI-East annually helps thousands of people in their various activities, such as the Brigantine Online School program, helping approximately 1,000 children with disabilities who are struggling to integrate their new place of residence to improve their school results.


The Fridtjof Nansen Prize is awarded annually by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in recognition of outstanding service to the people, and in particular to those who have had to flee their homes due to war and persecution, refugees and internally displaced persons. The award was established in 1954 in honor of Nobel Peace Prize winner Fridtjof Nansen, who, as High Commissioner for Refugees of the League of Nations, has made significant progress in helping internally displaced persons. Nansen gave his Nobel Peace Prize to help the children of Ukraine.

The committee annually selects winners from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East as part of the awards supported by the governments of Switzerland and Norway, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), and the IKEA Foundation.

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