photo: The Office of the President
The President of Slovakia Zuzana Čaputová stated this at a press conference with Volodymyr Zelenskyi after the negotiations.
"Regarding Ukraine's accession to the European Union and the question of what Slovakia can do to help, first, we can offer a definite stand, which we present to all EU members. It is about the principle that each country may choose where it belongs. We will try to have EU members set specific conditions for Ukraine's accession to the European Union. It is very important that Ukraine has a vision of its accession to the EU," she said.
The President of Slovakia also pointed out that we should carry out all necessary reforms before Ukraine's accession to the European Union. According to her, Slovakia can help Ukraine in this count, "having the experience of joining such an organization as the European Union."
She also pointed out that such an exchange of experiences could be mutually beneficial given that both countries are facing some common challenges, such as judicial reform.
Čaputová added that Slovakia continues to support the EU's sanction policy against Russia and condemns the violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity.
"As for the ways, we need to implement the measures that the European Union has taken regarding Russia. Here we're talking about a policy of sanctions."
The President of Slovakia called for the importance of maintaining a dialogue to establish peace. She was pleased to note the ongoing ceasefire in Donbas achieved through negotiations.
"I stand by the opinion and assure the President of Ukraine that we are a Ukrainian ally. An ally that supports its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and supports Ukraine on its path to the EU," Čaputová said.
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