Scientists from the Western region of Ukraine supported Anatolii Zahorodnii in the election of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Scientists of the Western Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine spoke to support the candidacy of academician Anatolii Zahorodnii for the position of President of the NASU

It was discussed at an online meeting as part of the election campaign of candidates for the post of Head of the Academy, reports. 

The Western Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine unites scientists from 22 institutions of the NASU, over 80 institutions of higher education of various forms of ownership, over 50 branch research, and development institutions.

About 60 scientists took part in the online meeting. Zinovii Nazarchuk, the Head of the Western Research Center, academician, mentioned that he'd known Anatolii Zahorodnii as a well-known scientist and a skilled coordinator of science. Zinovii Nazarchuk showed the strong standpoint of Anatolii Zahorodnii on the reform of the Academy and the major tasks they need to do for its successful implementation. In particular, it involves scientific youth and the social support of talented young scientists.

Academician Ihor Mryhlod also supported Anatolii Zahorodnii. He knows academician Zahorodnii as a talented scientist recognized not only in Ukraine but also far beyond its borders. He's a person who has significant experience in scientific and organizational work at the Academy.

Academician Ihor Yukhnovskyi, Honorary Director of Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the NASU, noted that Anatolii Zahorodnii and his colleagues belong to a large group of national and world scientists working on plasma theory. "I am convinced that this person is smart, fair, and kind. And this is exactly what we need to manage a large team of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine successfully," he said.

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