Alyona alyona is nominated for the 2021 Music Moves Europe Talent Awards

Popular rapper Alyona Alyona became the first Ukrainian singer to be nominated for The Music Moves Europe Talent Awards.

The nominees were announced in Hamburg at the Reeperbahn festival.

It is the first time in the award's history that a Ukrainian artist has appeared on the list of nominees. Besides alyona alyona, 15 new European artists were recognized: Bratři (cz), Melenas (es), Calby (dk), Mero (de), Crystal Murray (fr), My Ugly Clementine (at), Inhaler (ie), Rimon (nl), Julia Bardo (it), Sassy 009 (no), Lina_Raül Refree (pt), Squid (uk), Lous and The Yakuza (be), Vildá (fi).

All 16 nominees will receive promotional support and a performance at the ESNS festival in January 2021. They will select 8 winners, who will receive 10 thousand euros each to build their international career. A jury of representatives from Spotify, BBC Radio 1, Estragon Club, Melt!, ESNS and Reeperbahn will choose the winners.

Also, music fans across Europe will select a winner together in the Public Choice Award category. The nomination winner will receive an additional prize of 5 thousand euros.

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