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Poland’s support to Ukraine: facts and numbers

Since the full-scale war launched by Russia, Poland has remained a steadfast advocate for the people of Ukraine. While the European Union has made numerous gestures of support, Poland has distinguished itself as one of the most committed countries in terms of both financial and military aid to Ukraine.

Recent data from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy suggests that Poland has committed 3.527bln euros or 0.637% of its GDP to help Ukraine's ongoing battle with Russia. This ranks seventh compared to other countries' contributions.

The total commitments include humanitarian aid, military support, and financial assistance.

Of the 3.527 bln euros, 0.170 billion goes to direct humanitarian aid and 0.934 billion euros to financial assistance, including but not limited to such types of assistance:

  • Since the outbreak of hostilities, Poland has provided numerous food, medical, and psychological relief resources to Ukraine to assist civilians affected by the war.
  • The Polish side ensured the construction of modular towns for internally displaced persons in Ukraine. 
  • Moreover, Polish entities have assisted in the energy sector. Generators, transformers, and other energy equipment have been donated to facilitate the quick restoration of destroyed power grids in Ukrainian cities.

The most notable, however, is Poland's level of military aid for Ukraine. With 2.423 billion euros or 0.438% of its GDP, Poland ranks fourth among other countries in terms of military aid to Ukraine. This places Poland as the strongest and most committed member of the EU to provide military support for Ukraine.  From Poland, Ukraine's armed forces receive artillery, hundreds of tanks, MLRS, fighter jets, and a number of other weapons. 

  • For instance, during Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Poland has transferred 325 tanks and 14 MiG-29 fighter jets to Kyiv. Poland was the first to launch the "tank coalition" by donating more than 260 T-72 tanks of various modifications. Moreover, Poland has agreed to provide Ukraine with an additional 60 tanks, including 30 PT-91 Twardy tanks on top of the 14 Leopard 2 tanks already promised.
  • Poland also plays a vital role as a central transit hub for weapons supplies to Ukraine, so most Western military aid is delivered through this country. 
  • In addition to weapons, Poland contributes to Ukraine's war effort through training services. Polish instructors provide expert instruction for Ukrainian crews, with a focus on enhancing tactical and practical battlefield skills.

During this difficult and embattled time, Poland's generous commitment demonstrates immense solidarity with its Eastern European neighbor, Ukraine. As the war between Ukraine and Russia continues, Poland's support is invaluable in ensuring the safety of Ukrainian citizens and regaining the autonomy and independence of their country.

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