January in Ukraine: a glimpse through Rubryka’s lens

Rubryka presents a curated selection of powerful photographs capturing life in Ukraine in January. These images depict a poignant blend of emotions, from the joy of celebration to the pain of loss, anticipation to the harsh reality of death, and hope amidst destruction.

In the midst of war, life persists, and Rubryka's photo correspondent has skillfully captured its beauty despite the turmoil.

  • Families of marines held captive for 1000 days in Russia staged peaceful protest in Kyiv.

Organizers have named the protest "1000 Days of Captivity," highlighting the length of time the marines from the Ilyich Plant in Mariupol have been held since their capture in April 2022.

Relatives and friends gathered to once again remind society and the world that they are waiting for the exchange of those who were not afraid to stand up for Ukraine's free future and now need our support.

  • "Rozkoliada" is an event marking the conclusion of the New Year and Christmas festivities, held at the Ivan Honchar Museum in Kyiv.

Organized to raise funds for Ukrainian defenders, it featured performances by various bands and aimed to support the Artil community through the procurement of tactical medical supplies.

  • In Ukraine, Epiphany is celebrated on January 6 with a traditional ritual where individuals immerse themselves in icy waters.

This practice thought to cleanse the soul and body, occurs after priests bless bodies of water or ice holes shaped like a cross, with participants dipping three times in honor of the Holy Trinity and reciting prayers for spiritual renewal, health, and strength for the coming year.



  • 50 Shades of Kyiv's Sky.

  •  Photos from the farewell ceremony for Ruslan Hanushchak, a defender of Ukraine, show the event's emotional moments.

Several images capture people kneeling with posters as part of the "Our People Are Not Home Yet" campaign, supporting those still missing, as the funeral procession departed the square.

To keep up with similar photo selections, please subscribe to Rubryka newsletter.


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