
Anti-Kremlin Russian volunteer fighters take control of another town in Russia

On March 17, Russian volunteer fighters announced that the settlement of Gorkovsky in the Belgorod Oblast, Russia, is under the control of "Russian Liberation Forces," Rubryka reports, citing the "Liberty of Russia" Legion and the Siberian Battalion.

"Excellent joint work of the Russian Liberation Forces (ROF) with Ichkerian volunteers!" the volunteers reported.

Units entered the settlement and captured the building of the local administration.

What we know about Russian volunteer fighter operations in the territory of Russia

The "Freedom of Russia" Legion has conducted multiple raids near the Russian Federation. They have maintained control of territories and encountered Russian military forces.

On March 12, the "Freedom of Russia" Legion and the "Siberian Battalion" began a new raid and entered the Belgorod Oblast. Specifically, they are advancing on tanks in multiple directions.

Russian volunteers are actively posting messages. They announced that they are "going to the polls" and "will do everything to move Putin from Novo-Ogaryovo to Polar Wolf."

The Ukrainian Defense Intelligence commented on the weapons of Russian volunteers who breached the Russian border on March 12. They also explained the "phenomenon" of such raids, which are not unprecedented.

Meanwhile, the Russian Ministry of Defense followed the usual scenario, only mentioning "attempts" of invasion by volunteer forces onto Russian territory. They have already found the "guilty parties" and reported on the "repulsion" of volunteers and the "elimination" of dozens of them.

Russian dictator Putin believes that the breakthrough by fighters from the Legion "Freedom of Russia," "RDC," and the "Siberian Battalion" in the Belgorod and Kursk regions is an attempt to disrupt the elections in the Russian Federation and to gain leverage for territorial exchanges in possible negotiations.

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