Denmark’s support to Ukraine: facts and numbers

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine, Denmark has made multiple contributions to support Ukraine, showing that it will stand in solidarity with the country despite the ever-evolving situation. 

According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Denmark's total commitment to support Ukraine amounts to 0.961 bln euros, 0.291% of GDP, which puts Denmark in the twelfth highest rank among other contributing countries.

Among Denmark's various contributions, the largest by far was its military commitment. Danish support to Ukraine amounts to approximately EUR 804 mln in military aid, or 0.244% of GDP, to support Ukraine in its struggle, making it the ninth-highest contributor on the list. 


Among Denmark's various contributions, the largest by far was its military commitment. Danish support to Ukraine amounts to approximately EUR 804 mln in military aid, or 0.244% of GDP, to support Ukraine in its struggle, making it the ninth-highest contributor on the list. 

For instance, Danish military assistance to support Ukraine's struggle for independence comprises of: 

  • donation of military equipment from the Danish Armed Forces, including its entire artillery power; 
  • procurement of goods from the Danish and international defense sector for ultimate transfer (during combinative purchases with other nations); 
  •  monetary support from related associations and aid funds, including the International Fund for Ukraine and the NATO Comprehensive Assistance Package Trust Fund; 
  • educational programs for Ukrainian service members abroad.

In addition to its military commitment, Denmark allocated EUR 99 mln in civilian, including humanitarian, contributions, which is about 0.030 of GDP. By doing this, Denmark strives to help those affected by the war, especially those placed in refugee camps. This places Denmark in the eleventh highest rank in terms of humanitarian commitments. 

Denmark has made concerted efforts to provide civilian support and programs to meet both urgent humanitarian and long-term reconstruction needs in Ukraine. This includes providing rapid recovery and reconstruction services, namely the reconstruction of Mykolaiv's social infrastructure, water supply systems, and energy infrastructure, as well as assisting in recovery needs at the national level, reform, and anti-corruption efforts, and increased financing of Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance, the Danish Investment Fund for Countries, developing countries, and humanitarian support. 

Finally, Denmark also provided a financial commitment of 0.058 bln euros or 0.017% of GDP.

In 2023, the Danish Government allocated an estimated EUR 52 million (approximately DKK 0.4 billion) to support Danish businesses to assist with the recovery efforts in Ukraine. These funds will enable the implementation of several measures, such as the implementation of a state loan and guarantee program through the Danish Export Investment Fund (EIFO), the creation of the Ukrainian Investment Forum, the attraction of private investments, as well as the enhancement of the capacity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide consultancy services on political questions and to promote the exporting activities of Danish companies.

The Government of Denmark and most of the Danish Parliament have agreed to create the Ukrainian Fund, valued at approximately 935 million euros (7 billion Danish kroner), to meet Ukraine's requirements in the military, civilian and business sectors. The size of this fund places Denmark among the leading countries providing support to Ukraine.

Moreover, it is estimated that approximately €152 million has been donated, and €40 million has been guaranteed in civilian support. This support from Denmark does not include assistance given to Ukraine through the European Union.

 Danish assistance is a sign that the country cannot remain idle in the face of human suffering and Russian aggression in Ukraine and that it stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Denmark has made meaningful commitments toward Ukraine's need for assistance in this difficult time. 

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