
Biden to announce more weapons for Ukraine after Kyiv visit

US President Joe Biden will announce more weapons for Ukraine and more sanctions against russia, following his surprise visit to Kyiv on Monday.

The White House has issued a statement about Biden's visit to Ukraine this morning. 

"As the world prepares to mark the one-year anniversary of russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine, I am in Kyiv today to meet with President Zelensky and reaffirm our unwavering and unflagging commitment to Ukraine's democracy, sovereignty, and territorial integrity," Biden stated.

The president added that the west had destroyed putin's expectations that Ukraine was weak and that the western countries wouldn't be joining their forces against russia's invasion nearly one year ago. "He thought he could outlast us. But he was dead wrong," Biden added.

Joe Biden also confirmed that he is meeting with President Zelensky in Kyiv today to discuss support for Ukraine.

"I will announce another delivery of critical equipment, including artillery ammunition, anti-armor systems, and air surveillance radars to help protect the Ukrainian people from aerial bombardments," Biden announced. "And I will share that later this week, we will announce additional sanctions against elites and companies that are trying to evade or backfill russia's war machine," adding that the support of the US and other allies "will endure."

Later, CNN reported that President Joe Biden announced a $500-million assistance package to Ukraine. In joint remarks with Ukrainian President Zelensky, Biden said the package included more military equipment, artillery ammunition, javelins, and Howitzers.

Zelensky said he and Biden spoke about "long-range weapons and the weapons that may still be supplied to Ukraine even though it wasn't supplied before."

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